London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1910

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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Report of the Medical Officer of Health.
Of the 294 cases visited by the Inspectors it was possible to
obtain a definite history of infection in 89.
In five of the cases the father of the patient had died of
Consumption, in 11 the mother, in four the sister, in five the
husband, in seven the brother, in four the wife, in one the father
and mother, in one father and sister, in six father and other
relations, in four the mother and brother, in one the mother and
other relation, in three the brother and sister, in three brother
and other relation, and in one the sister and other relations.
In three of the cases the family history was exceedingly bad,
in one, four brothers, eight sisters and six other relations had
died of Consumption; in one, the father, husband, brother, son,
and another relation, and in one the father, two brothers, one
sister, and two sons.
In 103 of the cases no history of infection could be ascertained,
in 47 no information could be obtained, and in 56 no
inquiries were made. Of these 56, 19 were notified from Tooting
Bee Asylum, 23 from the Workhouse, one from the Prison, one
from Tooting Home, while in 11 the medical attendant did not
wish any inquiries to be made.
During the year disinfection was carried out at 265 premises,
either after the death or removal of the patient, compared with
255 in 1909, 184 in 1908 and 135 in 1907. 56 of the premises
disinfected were in Clapham, 25 in Putney, 56 in Streatham, 30 in
Tooting, and 98 in Wandsworth.
Deaths from Phthisis in Public Institutions.
The following Table shows the number of deaths and the rate
to total deaths from this disease for the year 1910, and for the
previous 10 years:—