London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1910

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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Report of the Medical Officer of Health.
460 infants were visited in Clapham, 107 in Putney, 756 in
Streatham, 786 in Tooting, and 1,379 in Wandsworth.
Of the 3,488 infants visited, it was found that 2,784, or 79'8.
per cent., were wholly breast fed, while 704, or 20.2 per cent., were
otherwise fed.
If we add to the number wholly breast fed the number of
children in which other foods were given in addition we find that
the percentage is increased to 88.5, a slight decrease compared
with the previous year.
235, or 6.7 per cent., were fed on cows' milk only, but 18 had
other foods in addition, raising the percentage to 7.2, a decrease
compared with 1908 and 1909, when the percentages were 7.2 and
6.4 respectively.
120 had condensed milk only, and 11 had condensed milk and
food, a total of 131, or 3.7 per cent., an increase of .1 per cent.
compared with 1909.
16 infants were fed on farinaceous and other foods, compared
with eight in the previous year.
With reference to the infants re-visited, it was found that out
of a total of 2,012, 1,251 or 62.1 per cent. were still breast fed
only, compared with 65 per cent. in 1909; while taking other
foods with the breast the percentage was 75.
The total number of deaths among those visited by theInspectors
was 79 (eight in Clapham, two in Putney, 15 in Streatham,
nine in Tooting, and 45 in Wandsworth). Table LVI. shows
these deaths arranged in monthly age periods.
The mortality among the infants visited by the Inspectors
was only 23, compared with 78 per 1,000, the rate for the Borough,
for the year.