London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1910

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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Report of the Medical Officer of Health.
The Chart shows the number of cases notified in each week
during the year.
The greatest number, viz. :—28, was notified in the third
week of February, and the smallest, six, in the third week of
Of the total number of cases notified, viz. :—687, one or .14
per cent. was under one year, compared with eight or .81 per
cent. in 1909; 174 or 25.3 per cent, were from one to five years,
compared with 253 or 25.6 per cent.; 422 or 61.4 per cent. from
five to 15 years, compared with 574 or 58.1 per cent.; 57 or 8.3
per cent. from 15 to 25 years, compared with 94 or 9.5 per cent.;
and 33 or 4.8 per cent, from 25 to 65 years, compared with 38 or
5.9 per cent.
The number of cases of Diphtheria notified during the year
again shows a satisfactory decrease compared with the previous
year, and is also under the average number for the last 10 years.
The following Table shows the number of cases notified, the
number of deaths that occurred in the separate sub-districts and
in the whole Borough for the years 1900-1909 inclusive, the
average for the 10 years, and the number of cases and deaths in