London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1910

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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Report of the Medical Officer of Health.
The total number of deaths in out-lying Institutions was 812,
469 of males and 343 of females, compared with 897 in 1909, 783
in 1908,739 in 1907, and 731 in 1906.
395 of these deaths occurred in Workhouses and Workhouse
Infirmaries, compared with 436 in 1909; 407 in General and
Special Hospitals, 90 of which occurred in Public Lunatic or
Imbecile Asylums, compared with 447 in 1909; and 10 in the
Metropolitan Asylums Board's Hospitals, compared with 14 in
Of the 407 deaths in General and Special Hospitals, 67
occurred in St. Thomas's Hospital, 29 in Bolingbroke Hospital,
10 in Belgrave Hospital, 21 in Victoria Hospital, 24 in St.
George's Hospital, 13 in Westminster Hospital, 12 in King's
'College Hospital, 11 in Guy's Hospital, 13 in Long Grove Asylum,
13 in Horton Asylum, 13 in Banstead Asylum, 15 in Charing
Cross Hospital, 10 in Cane Hill Asylum, five in Middlesex
Hospital, and nine in West London Hospital.
In the South Western Hospital of the Metropolitan Asylums
Board, there were five deaths, one from Scarlet Fever, one from
Diphtheria, one from Enteric Fever, and two from other causes.
In the Western Hospital three from Enteric Fever, and in Gore
Farm Hospital two from Scarlet Fever.
The number of deaths in these and other Institutions outside
the Borough is shown on Table XV.
The corrected number of deaths after adding the deaths of
persons belonging to the Borough and subtracting those of
persons dying in the Borough and not belonging thereto, was
3,105, 1,555 males and 1,550 of females, a decrease of 415
compared with 1909, and of 950 compared with the corrected
decennial average.
The corrected death-rate for the year was 9-03, compared
with 10.38 in 1909, 10.25 in 1908, 1067 in 1907, 11.15 in 1906, and
12.24 the rate for the 10 years 1900-1909.