London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1910

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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Details as to the number and description of lamps in the Borough
are set out on page 120.
The lamps under the heading of "Other Lamps" are:—
South Metropolitan Gas Company—
6 2-Light incandescent burners at £5 8s. 10d. each per annum.
1 2 lamps (z-light incandescent burners in each) at £8 6s. 0d.
per annum.
4 3-light incandescent burners at £7 8s. 7d. each per annum.
6 2-light inverted burners at 5s. 0d. each per annum.
15 3-light ditto at £7 5s. 0d. each per annum.
Mitcham and Wimbledon Gas Company—
1 Keith's high pressure
incandescent burner at
Tooting Broadway at £8 8s. 0d. per annum.
4 arms to ditto at £5 8s. 2d. each per annum.
2 low pressure burners
Tooting Broadway at £2 17s. 6d. „
2 2-light inverted burners
at £6 16s. 9d. „
Wandsworth and Putney Gas Company—
1 3-light incandescent burner at £7 is. 7d. per annum.
18 2-light „ „ £4 19s. 1d. each per anum.
1 special (Town Hall) „ £4 17s. 6d. per annum.
3 Scott-Snell lamps at 11s. 6d. each per annum.
2 Sugg's lamps fixed in front of Putney Railway Station, lighted
by the London and South-Western Railway Company, at the cost
of two ordinary lamps.
The lamps under the head of "Electric Lamps" are:—
5 lighted by the County of London Electric Supply Company,
at the Causeway, Wandsworth, for £25 12s. per annum.
74 new lamps have been erected in the Borough during the past