London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1909

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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Report of the Medical Officer of Health.
Of the 314 cases removed to hospital, 45 were reported not to
have suffered from Diphtheria.
Drainage defects were found in only 13 premises in which
cases of Diphtheria occurred, compared with 56 in 1908, and 92
in 1907.
Return Cases of Scarlet Fever and Diphtheria.
46 cases of Scarlet Fever occurred after the return of cases
from the hospitals of the Metropolitan Asylums Board, compared
with 57 in 1908, and 41 in 1907.
There were also four cases of Diphtheria, compared with 17
in 1908, and one in 1907.
10 of the return cases occurred in Clapham, none in Putney,.
16 in Streatham, nine in Tooting, and 11 in Wandsworth.
Of the return cases of Diphtheria two occurred in Streatham
and two in Wandsworth.
The following Table shows the date of removal to hospital of
the first case, the date of return from hospital, the number of days
the first case was in hospital, the date of the first symptoms of
the subsequent case, and the number of days elapsing between the
return of the first case and the first symptoms of the subsequent
case or cases.
The average number of days the cases of Scarlet Fever were
in hospital was 65.47, compared with 63.6 in 1908, and in the
cases of Diphtheria 41.25 days, compared with 57.4 in 1908.