London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1904

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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Report of the Medical Officer of Health.
The total number of lists received during the year was 36. These
lists contained the addresses of 375 outworkers. Of these 249 were
forwarded to other authorities and 96 addresses of outworkers working
in this Borough for persons outside the Borough were received from
other authorities.
The following list gives the name of the district and the number
of outworkers sent to each:—Battersea 61, Lambeth 55, Southwark 16,
Stepney and Croydon 15 each, Camberwell 12, East Ham, Wimbledon
and Bermondsey nine each, Fulham seven, Stoke Newington five,
St. Pancras and Chelsea four each, Hammersmith, St. Marylebone and
Ilford three each, Woodford, Enfield, Norwich, Surbiton, Willesden,
Holborn, Hackney, Westminster and Bromley two each, and West
Ham one, a total of 249.
This number is a considerable increase compared with the year
1903, when it was only 89.
237 inspections were made of outworkers' premises, and 15
notices, 12 intimation and three statutory, were served. These notices
were chiefly for cleansing and were complied with forthwith.
During the year 12 cases of infectious diseases were notified from
the houses of outworkers, six of Diphtheria, four of Chicken-pox, one
of Scarlet Fever, and one of Erysipelas.
It was not necessary during the year to serve any notices
prohibiting homework, either in unwholesome or infected premises.
Table LXIV. shows the nature of the work carried on in the
homes of outworkers as well as the number of lists received, the
number forwarded to other authorities, and the number received from
other authorities.