London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1904

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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92 Report of the Medical Officer of Health.
78 of these were accidental, and 23 were suicidal.
24 of these deaths belong to Clapham, 15 to Putney, 30 to
Streatham, four to Tooting, and 28 to Wandsworth.
In all these deaths inquests were held.
The next Table shows the number of Inquests held during the
year in the Borough.
The total number was 196, compared with 208 in 1903 and 225
in 1902.
41 of the Inquests were 011 persons who died in Clapham, 26 in
Putney, 39 in Streatham, 23 in Tooting, and 67 in Wandsworth.
In 125, or 63.8 per cent. of the total Inquests a verdict of death
from Natural Causes was returned; in 42, or 21.4 per cent from
Accidental Causes; in 20, or 10.2 from Suicidal; in two from
Homicidal, and in seven open verdicts were returned.
34 of the Inquests were held on persons not belonging to the
Borough who died in the Borough. Seven of the Inquests were on
persons who died in the Tooting Bec Asylum, six in the Middlesex
County Asylum, six in H. M. Prison, one in the Grove Fever Hospital
and 14 who died in other place?, as in the River Thames, and on the