London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1904

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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Report of the Medic d Officer of Health.
the district of Clapham the increase was 5.8, in Putney 15.1, in
Streatham '4, and in Wandsworth 4.3.
The increase in Clapham is most satisfactory, as in 1898 this
percentage was as low as 51.1, by far the lowest in any of the vaccination
districts. In Putney also there has been a very great increase,
from 643 in 1898 to 86.5 in 1903. Streatham, which includes
Tooting, on the other hand, compares unfavourably with other parts
of the Borough, and compared with the rates for the same district
in 1893, there is a decided fall in the percentage of successful
vaccinations. In my report for 1903 I stated that this was due to the
fact that a large proportion of the inhabitants of Tooting and part of
Balham have come from East End districts.
The percentage of successful vaccinations in this Borough compares
very favourably with the rest of London and with the whole of
England. In the last Local Government Board return this percentage
for London was only 447, and for England and Wales 49'6.
The number registered as having died unvaccinated was 563, or
8.3 per cent. of the whole.
Of the remaining 1,207 children, 36 or .5 per cent. were stated to
have been insusceptible to vaccination; none contracted Small-pox;
186 or 2 7 per cent. had their vaccination postponed by medical
certificate; and 100 or 1.5 per cent. in respect of whom certificates of
conscientious objections had been received, leaving 885, or 131 per
cent. as removed, not to be traced, or otherwise unaccounted for.
If the number of deaths registered before vaccination is deducted
from the total number registered, it is seen that of the 6,169 surviving
children, there were registered during 1903, 8o.4 per cent, as successfully
vaccinated, .5 per cent. as insusceptible of vaccination, 3 per
cent. under medical certificate of postponement, and 1.6 per cent. in
regard to whom certificates of conscientious objections had been
received, leaving 14.3 per cent. unaccounted for as regards vaccination.