London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1904

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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Report of the Medical Officer of Health.
The total number of deaths in out-lying institutions was 674^
compared with 538 in 1903, 582 in 1902, and 543 in 1901.
Of these, 318 occurred in the Union Infirmary, compared with
262 in 1903 ; 345 in General and Special Hospitals, etc., compared
with 269; and 11 in the Hospitals of the Metropolitan Asylums.
Board, compared with seven.
The corrected number of deaths, after adding the deaths on Table
VII. and subtracting those on Table V., was 3,417, an increase of 344
compared with 1903, but 110 under the corrected decennial average
corrected for increase of population.
The corrected death-rate for the year was 12*93 per 1,000,.
compared with 12*24 in 1903, 13*43 in 1902, and 15*33 'n 1901.
Table VIII. shows the total number of deaths in each sub-district
and in the whole Borough, and the death-rates, corrected and
uncorrected for deaths in public institutions.
The death-rate for the whole of London for the year was 16*10per
1,000 compared with 15-6 in 1903, 17 2 in 1902, and 17*1 in 1901.
The death-rate for England and Wales in 1904 was 16*2 per 1,000,
compared with 15*4 in 1903; in the 76 great towns 17 2, compared
with i6'3 ; and in the smaller towns 15 6, compared with 14 6.