London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1904

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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number of borrower's tickets available for use on March 31st
was 1.934. Total number of volumes now in stock is 8.018.
There are at present 2.055 volumes in this department. the
majority of which are on the open shelves. As
the readers have free access to the books no
statistics are available.
The Sub.Committee regret to report that eight valuable books
were stolen from this department. The matter has been placed in
the hands of the Police. who are endeavouring to trace the books.
1n this room are provided 28 monthly magazines and reviews.
five quarterlies. and 36 weekly periodicals. The
magazines are transferred to the lending library
at the end of the month and issued for home reading.
This room is supplied with 28 copies of daily newspapers.
including Some of the more important provincial
dailies. and 96 weekly newspapers and periodicals.
The list of newspapers. periodicals. &c.. has been revised during
the year and several important publications have been added.
The Sub.Committee have much pleasure in expressing their
appreciation of the satisfactory manner in which ti e Librarian and
his staff have discharged their duties.
Tables of information relating to issues of books. classification.
&c.. may be found on pages 15 and 16.
List of newspapers. &c.. may be found on pages 18 and 19.
Signed on behalf of the Putney Library Sub.Committee.