London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1900

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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Parish of Wandsworth.
Zymotic Diseases.
The next table shows the number of deaths which
occurred during the year from the seven principal
epidemic diseases, from other zymotic diseases, the
zymotic death-rate, the total deaths from all causes,
and the percentage of deaths from zymotic diseases
to deaths from all causes. The number for the 10
preceding years is also shown, and the number above
or below the decennial average.
During the year 157 deaths occurred from these
diseases, 74 of males and 83 of females, a decrease of
three compared with 1899 and 16 under the corrected
decennial average.
Measles shows an increase of 13 compared with
the year previous, and 1.1 above the decennial average.
For the last 10 years this disease shows a tendency to
occur in epidemic form every second year Although
in 1899 the number of deaths occurring was higher than
would have been expected in a non-epidemic year.
Enteric fever shows a large increase, 10 deaths
having occurred, and Diarrhoea although slightly lower
than last year was still above the decennial average.
The number of deaths that occurred in the parish
from notifiable diseases was 24, compared with 17 in
1899, 27 in 1898, 46 in 1897, 20 in 1896, and 19 in 1895.