London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1900

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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Streatham Public Libraries.
The Streatham Divisional Committee have pleasure
in reporting a considerable increase in the use
made of the Libraries during the twelve months ended
31st March, 1901, the issue of 236,475 volumes being
the highest hitherto recorded, and an increase of 8,861
on the previous year's return.
Libraries Commissioners.
The following gentlemen were the Commissioners
for Public Libraries and Museums
for the parish of Streatham for the period 26th March to
the 9th November, 1900:—Mr. Benjamin Weir, Chairman;
Mr. Bernard Cox, Mr. Cecil Dowson, Mr. R. W.
Essex, Mr. H. Ellis Hill, M.I.C.E., Mr. Henry J.
Martin, Mr. W. F. Massingham, Mr. Arthur E. Reade,
and Mr. C. E. Wellborne. From that date the management
of the libraries became vested in the Metropolitan
Borough of Wandsworth; but, at the request of
the Council, these gentlemen kindly carried on the work
of the Streatham Public Libraries until the 31st
December, 1900.
The Streatham Divisional Committee.
On the 1st January, 1901, the public libraries
in the parish of Streatham were placed by
the Libraries Committee of the Council under
the care and management of a Divisional Committee
consisting of:—The Mayor, Aldermen H. J. Martin and
C. E. Wellborne, Councillors C. M. Ashdown and R.
Simpson, M.A., with the Rev. H. Barron, Messrs. R. W.
Essex, W. F. Massingham and J. F. Watson. Mr.
Councillor B. Simpson, M.A., was elected Chairman of
the Streatham Divisional Committee for the ensuing