London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1900

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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In the Parish of Streatiiam, all the water was
obtained by meter from the Lambeth Water Works
Company, 12,711,000 gallons at 9d. per 1000 gallons,
high level and 400,000 gallons at 6d. per 1000 gallons
low level. The total quantity used was 13,171,000
gallons, the cost of which, including the hire of meters,&c.
amounted to £600 3s. 3d., being equal to £12 7s. 0d.
per mile of road watered. The total cost of road
watering amounted to £57 12s. 6d. per mile.
In the Parisli of Tooting, all the water was
obtained by meter from the Lambeth Water Works
Company,—278,000 gallons at 9d. per 1000 gallons,
and 2,065,750 gallons at 6d. per 1000 gallons. The
total quantity used was 2,343,750 gallons, the cost of
which, including the hire of meters, amounted to
£70 lis. 4d., being equal to £8 15s. 7d. per mile of
road watered. The total cost of road watering
amounted to £38 12s. 4d. per mile.
In the Parish of Wandsworth, the total quantity of
water used for street watering was about 12,074,860 gallons,
obtained by meter as follows, viz.:—Lainbeth Water
Company, 1,213,000 gallons at 9d. per 1,000 gallons high
level, and 1,094,000 gallons at 6d. per 1,000 gallons
low level; Southwark and Vauxhall Water Company,
9,767,860 gallons at 6½d, per 1,000 gallons. The total
cost of road watering per mile was £44 18s. 11d., of which
sum £11 8s. 4d. was paid to the water companies for water
and the hire of meters, &c. The total number of standposts
is 11 in the Lambeth Water Company's district,
and 32 in the Southwark and Yauxhall Water Company's
district. In addition to the quantity of water used for
road watering, there were used for flushing sewers and
drains, 1,112,550 gallons; construction of new sewers,
4,000 gallons; repairs to public roads, 507,840 gallons;
making up new roads, 6,250 gallons; paving works,