London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1898

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth District, The Board of Works (Clapham, Putney, Streatham, Tooting & Wandsworth)]

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The following are the amounts of the Precepts of
the School Board for London paid by this District
(omitting the Parish of Battersea):—
£ s. d. d.
1871-72 877 7 1 = .48 in the £ on rateable value
1872-73 1671 9 3 = .89 „ „
1873-74 1381 14 10 = .74 „ „
1874-75 3405 11 7 = 1.75 „ „
1875-76 6012 17 3=3.00 „ „
1876-77 9208 12 8 = 4.50 „ „
1877-78 11818 9 8 = 5.23 „ „
1878-79 12182 15 2 = 5.15 „ „
1879-80 13579 1 3 = 5.50 „ „
1880-81 16065 8 3 = 6.28 „ „
1881-82 17106 3 5 = 6.15 „ „
1882-83 17227 13 5 = 5.93 „ „
1883-84 20890 10 5 = 6.86 „ „
1884-85 25460 5 1 = 8.00 „ „
1885-86 28944 4 10 = 8.64 „ „
1886-87 32283 0 10 = 8.86 „ „
1887-88 31203 16 2 = 8.36 „ „
1888-89 30732 17 1 = 7.97 „ „
1889-90 35367 3 6 = 8.88 „ „
1890-91 43863 18 4 =10.68 „ „
1891-92 47072 13 4 =10.71 „ „
1892-93 46427 10 3 =10.45 „ „
1893-94 46155 16 6 =10.20 „ „
1894-95 48246 4 0 =10.46 „ „
1895-96 54735 14 11 =11.50 „ „
1896-97 61752 15 6 =12.32 „ „
1897-98 64698 14 6 =12.34 „ „
1898-99 66535 8 5 =12.33 „ „
(The foregoing rate is based upon the full rateable value. If empty houses, rates
irrecoverable, and cost of collection are taken into account at least 1d. in the £ per
annum should be added to arrive at the rate actually paid.)