London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1892

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth District, The Board of Works (Clapham, Putney, Streatham, Tooting & Wandsworth)]

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In the parish of Claptham the number of loads of dust
removed during the year was 7,101; the total cost of
collection and disposal has been £2,850 or about 8s.
per load. The London Chatham and Dover Railway
Company have increased the charge for carriage 10 per
cent. from December 31st, 1892. The following is the
expenditure for dusting during the year viz.:—
£ s. d.
Cost of Collection 1,661 2 9
Cost of disposal, Newington Vestry 299 3 4
„ „ Railway charges 793 0 11
Repairs and renewals of plant 1ll 7 10
2,867 14 10
Received for removal of trade refuse (94 loads
at 4s.) ,, 18 16 0
£2,848 18 10
The scavenging work is performed by men employed
by the Board and by hired carts; 13,980 one horse-loads
have been carted from the roads and 2,086 loads from
gullies. The following is the cost for the year, viz.:—
Sweepers' wages 2,236
Cartage 1,484
Shoots 684
Tools 133
In the parish of Putney the removal of house refuse
has been carried out by Mr. J. Ball for the sum of
£528 6s. 4d. The Board have made arrangements to
carry out the work with their own men and horses in