London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1891

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth District, The Board of Works (Clapham, Putney, Streatham, Tooting & Wandsworth)]

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There were 11 deaths registered without
medical certificates on the authority of the
of the year,
During the year 3,159 houses and premises
have been inspected. The total number of
nuisances dealt with amounted to 4,513, of
these 3,870 were abated under notice, and 643 under
promise without formal service of notice.
The Table on page 35 gives a statement of the nuisances
dealt with that can be conveniently classified.
The number of unclassified nuisances was 736, viz.:—
346 water-closets disconnected from drinking water
cisterns and a separate supply laid on, 21 sinks repaired,
1 new sink fixed, 8 manure pits provided, 4 water closets
ventilated, 5 water-closets re-built, 5 cases of stagnant
water, 17 cellar dwellings, 19 new soil-pipes fixed, 15
soil-pipes repaired, 144 new ventilating pipes, 9 ventilating
pipes repaired, 65 leaky water fittings, 17 cases of
water in the basement of houses, 27 houses with damp
walls, 2 privies abolished, 10 dirty bake-houses, 4 smoke
nuisances, 2 chimneys re-built, 7 cases of rats, cellar
paved, dirty dairy, dead cats, burning rubbish, throwing
refuse into roadway, unburied corpse. Animals kept so
as to be a nuisance, viz :—Fowls, rabbits, pigeons, and
The drains of 105 houses have been entirely reconstructed
in accordance with the Board's regulations for
new drainage.
Housing of
the Working
Classes Acts,
In 4 instances premises have been found to
be in so bad a state that notices under Part II
of this Act were served. They resulted as
1, Newman's Court.—Thoroughly cleansed and repaired,
and damp stopped out.