London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1889

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth District, The Board of Works (Clapham, Putney, Streatham, Tooting & Wandsworth)]

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accomplished. The number of houses and premises that
have been inspected exceed that of the previous year.
The value of such work cannot be over-rated, leading
as it must do to the detection and remedying of sanitary
defects, and not only improving the health but also
the moral tone of the people. The work of house to
house inspection is I believe carried out very thoroughly
by our Inspectors, Messrs. Phimister and Jones.
The fumigation and disinfection of houses after infectious
diseases is carried out by Mr. Phimister under my
directions, in a very complete manner, 73 houses have
been disinfected and cleansed, 55 after Scarlet Fever, 13
after Diphtheria, and 4 after Typhoid Fever, in no case
has there been a recurrence of the disease.
It is hardly necessary for me to enumerate here the
many other important sanitary works exhibited in the
Table which will naturally claim the attention of all interested
in the subj ect.
Almost all the notices served requiring people to remedy
defects, or abate nuisances were at once complied with ;
only 11 requiring a second notice, and only in one case
was it necessary to get the order of a magistrate to abate
a nuisance, which arose from a deposit of house refuse on
the detached portion of Streatham.
The bake-houses have all been regularly inspected and
are in good condition.
I personally inspected all the cow-sheds and slaughterhouses.
In two instances, one for renewal and one for
new premises, I found it necessary to object to the owners
licenses being renewed; these were not granted ; all
the others were renewed.
Medical Officer of Health for Streatham.