London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1888

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth District, The Board of Works (Clapham, Putney, Streatham, Tooting & Wandsworth)]

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Sickness and Mortalily of the Parochial Poor
The nature, amount and fatality of the
sickness that occurred amongst the parochial
during the year are set forth in Table XI.,
page 17. The amount exceeded that of the
previous year by nearly 100 cases, but the resulting
fatality was proportionally less. The total number of
fresh cases coming under treatment was 781, and the resulting
deaths 32, or 4 per cent. As in the year previous
the most prevalent diseases of the Non-Zymotic class
were those of the respiratory-organs which numbered
238, or over 30 per cent of the whole, and caused 8 deaths.
The Zymotic diseases that prevailed were Measles, 37
cases with 2 deaths; Diarrhoea 23 cases and 1 death;
Whooping-Cough 21 cases; the latter, with 2 cases of
Scarlatina, 3 of Fever, and 5 of Erysipelas were unattended
with fatality.
Inquests, Violent deaths Uncertfied Death.
The causes of death of 42 persons, 27
males and 15 females, were investigated by
Coroner's Inquest during the year. The
number is 8 less than in the year previous. 7 deaths
were uncertified by medical testimony, but 5 of them
were referred to the Coroner, who considered an inquest
unnecessary. Verdicts of "death from natural causes"
were returned in 15 instances, and from Violence in 23
instances; 16 of the latter were the result of accident, 5
of Suicide and 2 of Wilful Murder. In 4 cases the primary
cause of death was undetermined. These particulars
are shewn in the following table:—
Males. Females. Total
Deaths from natural causes 10 5 15