London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1888

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth District, The Board of Works (Clapham, Putney, Streatham, Tooting & Wandsworth)]

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It will be seen that 53 of these external deaths occured
in the Wandsworth and Clapham Union Infirmary. 31
in the various general and special hospitals, and 23 in
the Asylums Board Hospitals.
Ages at Death.
Of the total deaths 42 4 per cent were under
5 years of age, and 27.4 per cent were over 60
years of age.
The true infantile death-rate, that is the proportion of
deaths under 1 year to the population under that age
was 150 per thousand as compared with 126 per thousand
in the previous year.
Social Position.
relative number of deaths in the several
social grades were as follows:—
Nobility and Gentry 31 = 5.6 per cent.
Professional Classes 70 = 12.7 „
Middle and Trading Classes 106 = 19.3 „
Industrial & Labouring Classes 344 = 62.4 „
Zymotic Diseases.
The following table gives the number of
deaths from specific fevers, as compared with
previous years, and a similar comparison of Zymotic and
general death-rates. The Zymotic death-rate was 1.9
per thousand of the estimated population. If the 19
deaths from Zymotic diseases that occurred in out-lying
institutions, be added to these, the death-rate becomes
2.33 per thousand.