London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1887

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth District, The Board of Works (Clapham, Putney, Streatham, Tooting & Wandsworth)]

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The following statistics, derived as usual from an
analysis of the Registrar General's Returns, and from
the local records of sickness, mortality and sanitary
operations, will prove, I believe, the correctness of my
deductions. The afore-named statistics, will also show
in detail, many other particulars pertaining to the health
of this division of the Wandsworth District.
Vital Statistcs.
Population. In the ten years before the last census the
population incieased from 14,475 to 25,553.
Assuming the same rate of increase upon the lastnamed
figures, during the seventh year of this decennium
we attain a population of 38,225. These figures very
nearly coincide with an estimate I made by another
method of computation. This method I have fully explained
in my last annual report.
I believe the figures obtained by these estimates to be
as nearly correct as anything can be short of an actual
numbering of the people. The population therefore, of
Streatham and Tooting in the middle of 1887, was 38,225.
Birth and The number of births registered during the
Birth-rate. year was 1,185, 623 of males and 562 of
females. The birth-rate, calculated from the total number
of births and the foregoing estimate of the population
was 31.1 per thousand persons living during the year.
Natural The rate of natural increase is represented
increase, by the excess of births over deaths. This year
there was an excess of 739, giving a ratio of 19.1 per
1,000 of the population.