London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1887

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth District, The Board of Works (Clapham, Putney, Streatham, Tooting & Wandsworth)]

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Inquests. Enquiries were made on the bodies of 34
males and 26 females, in all 60; this being 4 less than
those of the previous year. The verdicts were as
From Natural Causes 30
,, Accidental 21
Found Drowned 2
,, Dead 1
Suicides 3
Murder 2
Open Verdict 1
Of the Accidental causes—4 was by falls, 1 burn,
3 drowned, 8 suffocated, 1 run over, 1 killed on railway,
3 want of attention at birth.
The suicides were—cut throats 2, 1 shooting himself,
all of unsound mind.
The verdicts of wilful murder against some person
unknown were of newly born infants, both were found
in Gorst Road. The open verdict was on the girl burnt
to death in Battersea Park Road.
September 23rd.
Found at 55, Gorst Road.—Strangulation by putting
a cord round her neck. Wilful murder against some person
or persons unknown.
November 3rd,
Found in a blank cellar at 23, Gorst Road.—Fracture
of skull by violence, Wilful murder, not sufficient evidence
to show by whom caused.
In addition to the above inquests, 12 cases of sudden
death were submitted to the Coroner, who after due
investigation, did not deem an inquest necessary.