London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1879

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth District, The Board of Works (Clapham, Putney, Streatham, Tooting & Wandsworth)]

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For reasons similar to those referred to in the determination
of the death-rate, it is obviously necessary to
exclude Class 3 (Diseases of the Brain and Nervous System)
from consideration in estimating the relative proportions
borne by the several classes of disease in the
causation of the mortality of this parish. The first in
order of fatality, irrespective of Class 3, was Class 5
(Diseases of the Respiratory Organs), forming no less than
23 per cent. of all deaths; 78 of the deaths in this Class
were attributed to Bronchitis, which was the most fatal
single disease, thus assuming the place usually occupied by
Consumption The next most fatal was Class 1 (Zymotic
—Contagious—Epidemic), which usually takes precedence
of the others, forming 20 per cent, of all deaths. Next,
Class 2 (Tubercular) formed 12 per cent. The other Classes
do not present any noteworthy deviation from their
respective averages. The prominent points for observation
in the Table are the great preponderance of the deaths from
diseases of the Respiratory Organs and of those from
epidemic diseases.
Ages at death.—Infant mortality. The mortality of
children during the past year was unusually high, in
consequence of the greater prevalence of the Zymotic
diseases incidental to children. 37 per cent. of all deaths
occurred to children under 5 years of age, 20 per cent,
occurred to infants in the first year of life, and 43 per
cent. occurred to persons of 20 years of age and under.
Senile mortality.—26 deaths were registered as having resulted
from age, unassociated with disease; but 62, 24
males and 38 females (the females as usual having the
advantage in longevity over the males), took place above
the age of 70; viz., from 70 to 75, twenty-seven; 75 to
80, thirteen; 80 to 85, eleven; 85 to 90, six; 90 to 95,
three and 2 females attained the extreme age of 97
years, one of whom was born at Summerstown, and her
age was verified by the register of All Saints Church.