London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1878

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth District, The Board of Works (Clapham, Putney, Streatham, Tooting & Wandsworth)]

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contrasting with the preceding year, which was remarkable
for its unusual mildness and low mortality.
At this advanced period of the Census decade, and
until we are actually in possession of the returns, it
would be vain to calculate, with anything like accuracy,
what the strength of our population may be; but we may
adopt the method of forming an estimate made use of by
the Registrar-General, and place the population of this
Sub-district in round numbers at 32,000.
The births registered during the year 1878 numbered
1,095-the largest number we have ever had, clearly
showing the natural increase of our population, and giving
evidence of our material prosperity. They will give a
birth-rate equal to 34.2 births in every 1,000 per annum,
or 3.42 per cent.
The deaths registered during the past year were also
numerous, numbering 580, and giving a death rate of
18.12 deaths in every 1,000 of our population per annum,
or 1.812 per 100 per annum. Eleven of the above deaths
took place in the public institutions we possess, but many
of our parishioners died in institutions outside of our
I again introduce the usual Mortality Table, so clear
and concise as to make comments from me unnecessary,
unless it be to point to the exceptional mortality of the
past year.
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