London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1878

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth District, The Board of Works (Clapham, Putney, Streatham, Tooting & Wandsworth)]

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During the year 1878 the Registrar recorded the
births of 2,185 children, of whom 1,120 were males and
1,065 were females. It is usually assumed for the purposes
of calculating the birth and death-rates that the
number of births occurring in each thousand of the population
is from year to year the same, and the correctness
of this method has been verified by the results obtained
in the years 1861 and 1871 when the birth-rate was found
to be equal to 42 per thousand inhabitants residing in the
sub-district. The near approach of the next censusperiod,
1881, renders it a somewhat delicate task to attempt
to assume the real population of the sub-district;
but it can only be said that if the above-mentioned method
of arriving at an estimated mean population be as correct
at the present time as it has been in the past, Eastern
Battersea must on the middle day of the year under
report have contained within its boundaries 52,200 persons.
The births 2,185 were in excess over the deaths,
895, which gives what is termed a natural increase of
population of 1,290.