London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1874

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth District, The Board of Works (Clapham, Putney, Streatham, Tooting & Wandsworth)]

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The following statistics, derived from an analysis of
the Registrar General's Returns and of the Parochial
Records of Sickness and Mortality, furnish evidence of the
very favourable state of the health of this Sub-district
during the year 1874.
Statistics of Mortality, &c.
The deaths which were registered as having occurred
in this Sub-district during the past year numbered 453—
233 were of males, and 220 of females. Of this number
142 took place in the following Public Institutions, viz.:—
In the Surrey County Lunatic Asylum, 107; in the
Hospital for Incurables, 13; in St. Peter's Hospital, 2;
in the House of Correction, 8 ; in the Royal Patriotic
School for girls, 10 ; and in the Reformatory for boys, 2 ;
15 deaths of Wandsworth parishioners occurred in the
Infirmary of the Union, and which, in consequence of that
Institution being situated in Battersea, do not appear on
the Wandsworth Death Register,
Deatli-rate.—The rate of mortality during the past
year, calculated from the total deaths registered, and a
mean estimated population, was 20.69 per 1000 persons
living ; the estimate being based on the assumption that
the population has increased since the period of the last