London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Stoke Newington 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Stoke Newington, The Metropolitan Borough]

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Diphtheria Immunisation.—This work is carried out by the
Assistant Medical Officer of Health once a week at the Barton House
Child Welfare Centre. In every instance the consent of the parent
or guardian is obtained in writing before the treatment is commenced.
During the year 93 children completed the course of immunising
injections and 128 children were re-Schick tested at intervals of
three to four months after the protective inoculations. Of these,
127 were found to be definitely negative and 1 to be still slightly
positive. This positive reactor was given a further injection to
ensure adequate protection.
The number of children protected is comparatively small but
dissemination of information on the subject of diphtheria protection
was continued by means of leaflets drawing parents' attention to
the danger of the disease and to the facilities for immunisation
available at the Council's Welfare Centres.
Diphtheria Anti-toxin.—A supply of Anti-toxin is kept in the
Public Health Department for sale to local medical practitioners
in urgent cases.
During the year 3 tubes of 8,000 units were issued to medical
Enteric Fever.—One case of suspected Typhoid Fever was
removed to Isolation Hospital for observation but the diagnosis
was not confirmed. There was one case of Paratyphoid Fever the
previous year.
Puerperal Fever.—11 cases were notified as compared with
10 notifications the previous year. 10 cases received hospital
treatment and there were no fatalities.
Puerperal Pyrexia.—22 cases were notified as compared with
18 the previous year. 19 cases received hospital treatment and all
made successful recoveries.
Pneumonia and Influenzal Pneumonia.—Acute Primary
Pneumonia and Influenzal Pneumonia are notifiable diseases under
the Public Health (Infectious Diseases) London Regulations, 1927.
During 1938, 39 notifications were received of Acute Primary
Pneumonia (36 the previous year), and 6 notifications of Influenzal
Pneumonia as compared with 15 the previous year.
There were 28 deaths from Pneumonia (all forms) during 1938
as compared with 55 in 1937.