London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Stoke Newington 1936

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Stoke Newington, The Metropolitan Borough]

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3. To pay visits to houses of mothers where the home conditions
are reported as unsatisfactory by the Health Visitors.
4. To supervise generally the work of the Health Visitors.
5. To deputise for the Medical Officer of Health during his
annual holiday or at such other times as may be considered necessary.
6. To attend the Diphtheria Immunisation Clinic.
At present there is one session per week, but it may be necessary
to increase this to two sessions should diphtheria prevention become
more popular, as it is likely to be in the future.
The scale of salary recognised for an Assistant Medical Officer is a
minimum of £500 per annum, with annual increments of £25 to a
maximum of £700 per annum.
The following items would be deducted:
£ s. d.
Fees paid to part-time Ante-natal Officer 165 7 6
Fees paid to Deputy Medical Officer re vacation
duty 52 10 0
£217 17 6
The initial expenditure in respect of a full-time Medical Officer
for Maternity and Child Welfare would, therefore, amount to
£282 2s. 6d.
III. Home Visiting.
In the Ministry of Health Circular 1550, it is suggested that in all
areas there should be systematic periodical health visiting of children
under the age of five in the interests of their health, that it should
be the duty of the Health Visitor to see these children at regular
intervals, to make inquiries as to their state of health and to be on
the look-out for any signs of symptoms which suggest a departure
from normal health.
In all cases where there is ground for suspecting disease or defect,
the mother should be advised to consult the family doctor, or to
take the child to the appropriate clinic for medical examination
without any delay.