London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Stoke Newington 1935

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Stoke Newington, The Metropolitan Borough]

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Arrangements were made early in 1927 with the British Dental
Hospital to equip and maintain a Dental Surgery on the Council's
premises, "Barton House," and to provide, direct and supervise
a dentist at an inclusive charge of £120 yearly.
In March, 1931, it was reported to the Council that in view of
the increasing number attending the dental centre the surgeon
dentist was experiencing some difficulty in coping with the work,
and a request was made for an additional dental session each
week. The Council acceded to this request and arrangements
were made with the British Dental Hospital for an extension of the
facilities by providing two regular dental sessions weekly at an
inclusive charge of £200 per annum.
Two sessions weekly are now held on Wednesday mornings
and afternoons. Appropriate cases are referred to the dentist by
the Child Welfare Medical Officer, the physician attending the
Pre-natal Clinic, and occasionally the Health Visitors.
The treatment given and charges are as follows:-
No charge is made for advice.
Scaling and other simple treatment, 1s. per attendance.
Extractions with local anaesthetic, 1s. per extraction.
Gas extractions, 2s. 6d.
Dentures, complete set, £4; partial sets pro rata.
The work done during the year is summarised as follows
No. of New Cases : Mothers, 152. Children, 131. Total 283
No. of Attendances : Mothers, 542. Children, 321. Total 863
No. of Sessions 100
No. of Sessions when Anaesthetics given 23
No. of Gas Anæsthetics given 137