Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Stoke Newington, The Metropolitan Borough]
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Details are given below with regard to the adulterated samples and the action taken by the Council in respect thereof:—
Sample No | Description. | Nature and Extent of Adulteration. | Action Taken. |
14 | Glycerin of Borax (Informal). | 27.9% deficient in Borax. | Subsequent formal sample taken found genuine. |
43 | Milk | 4.3% deficient in milk fat. | Summons withdrawn. |
46 | Milk | 5.3% deficient in milk fat. | Summons withdrawn. |
107 | Milk | 2% extraneous water. | Subsequent samples proved genuine. |
108 | Milk | 3% extraneous water. | Subsequent samples proved genuine. |
134 | Milk | 2.7% extraneous water. | Referred to Local Authority from whose area supply obtained. (Sample taken in course of delivery.) |
140 | Milk | 3.2% extraneous water. | Fined £5 and £3 3s. Od. costs. |
The Public Health (Condensed Milk) Regulations,
1923-1927, and Public Health (Dried Milk) Regulations,
1923-1927.—3 samples of condensed milk and one of dried milk
were taken during the year, and were found to comply with the
Only the well-known brands of dried milk were found to be
on sale, and in all cases the declaratory notices complied with the
The Public Health (Preservatives, Etc., in Food),
Regulations.—No contravention of the regulations had to be
reported during the year. Any preservatives found on analysis
were within the amounts permitted by the regulations and were
purchased with the correct declaratory notices attached.
Artificial Cream Act, 1929.—No application for registration
of premises used for the manufacture or sale of artificial cream has
been made, nor has any contravention of the Act been discovered.