Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Stoke Newington, The Metropolitan Borough]
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The Extent of Overcrowding in the Borough.
The Survey has revealed that of the 12,149 families included
in the investigation, 462 (3.8%) are living in overcrowded conditions,
and that the greatest amount of overcrowding was found in the
2-room lettings (52.6% of total overcrowding cases), the 3-room
lettings being next in severity of overcrowding (25% of total
overcrowding cases).
Estimate of the Number of Flats required to Abate Overcrowding.
In accordance with the instructions for calculation given by
the London County Council, the estimate of the number of flats
required to abate overcrowding is found to number 152. In framing
this estimate it was necessary in the first instance to ascertain the
number of new flats of various sizes, required for the abatement,
upon the standard of Table 1 of the Housing Act, 1935, of the overcrowded
families in this borough. This primary estimate was
obtained by means of the information contained in Form C and
from these figures was subtracted the sum of the total vacant
dwellings estimated to be available for the abatement of overcrowding
and the overcrowded dwellings which will be vacated
upon rehousing the present tenants.
The resulting estimate of accommodation required to abate overcrowding in this borough was as follows :—
Size of dwelling. | Number required. |
3 rooms | 70 |
4 „ | 33 |
5 „ | 35 |
6 „ | 7 |
7 „ | 5 |
8 „ | 2 |
Total | 152 |