London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Stoke Newington 1935

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Stoke Newington, The Metropolitan Borough]

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overcrowded families should be measured, thereby entailing the
measurement of 7,214 rooms occupied by 2,677 families. On an
average, each survey assistant obtained the information respecting
18 families and measured 48.6 rooms per day.
By the application of Table 2 to the measurements obtained on
Form B, a further 115 definitely overcrowded families resulted, which
added to those found on Form A made a total of 462 cases of overcrowding
existing in the borough. 42 cases were also found of families
which are not overcrowded at the present time, but will be overcrowded
within a short period, upon children attaining adult age.
Empty Premises.
At the time of the survey, 98 houses were totally unoccupied,
and 261 part houses were empty. These figures were required for
the purpose of making a return to the London County Council in
order that they may be taken into consideration when rehousing
proposals are made.
Results of the Survey.
The results of the survey are set out herewith :—
(a) Dwelling house basis:—
Dwelling houses inspected 6,486.
Dwelling houses containing one or
more possibly overcrowded
families 1,252 (19.3%).
Dwelling houses containing one or
more definitely overcrowded
families 418 ( 6.4%).
(b) Family basis;—
Total number of families in Survey 12,149 (33,870 units).
Families possibly overcrowded 1,464 ( 4,642 units).
Families definitely overcrowded .. 462 (2,185½ units)