London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Stoke Newington 1934

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Stoke Newington, The Metropolitan Borough]

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Small pox was much less prevalent throughout the Metropolis
during the year, and no case of this disease was notified in the
These figures indicate generally that the standard of health
of the borough was maintained during the year.
During the year a formal representation in regard to the. Barn
Street Clearance Area was submitted and subsequently dealt with
under the powers conferred by the Housing Act, 1930. In addition
the houses in six small Clearance Areas were demolished, the
occupants receiving alternative accommodation in the new Council
flats situated in Lordship Road and Lordship Terrace which were
ready for occupation at the end of September.
The work of the Maternity and Child Welfare Centres has
continued to show the high standard of the previous year.
An indication of the popularity of the centres is afforded by
the figure for attendances which reached the highest total yet
recorded of 16,358 as compared with 15,137 for the previous year.
The existing health services have continued in operation during
the period under review with satisfactory results.
During the year a Survey of the Health Services of the borough
was carried out by officials of the Ministry of Health. The
Minister's observations on this Survey are set out in an Appendix
to this report.
I wish to express my appreciation of the kind consideration
and support accorded me by the Chairmen, and members of the
Public Health and Maternity and Child Welfare Committees and
to thank all members of the Health Department Staff for their
loyal co-operation.
I am, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Your obedient Servant,
Medical Officer of Health.