London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Stoke Newington 1934

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Stoke Newington, The Metropolitan Borough]

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Fouling of Public Footways by Dogs.—The following
Bye-law was made by the Council on the 16th May, 1933, and came
into operation in July of that year :—-
No person being in charge of a dog in any street or public
place and having the dog on a lead shall allow or permit
such dog to deposit its excrement upon the public footway.
Any person offending against this bye-law shall be liable to a
penalty not exceeding 40 shillings.
During 1934, one infringement of this bye-law was reported by
the Police. A summons was issued and a fine of 5 shillings was
There are few factory chimneys in the Borough, but such as
exist are kept under observation by the inspectors in order that any
breaches of the provisions of the Act may be dealt with.
13 complaints received during the year of nuisance from
smoke were investigated and abated after visits by Inspectors.
4 notices were served under the Public Health (Smoke Abatement)
Act, 1926.