London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Stoke Newington 1915

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Stoke Newington, The Metropolitan Borough]

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Brought forward 884
Drains ventilated or defective ventilating pipes renewed 14
Rain water pipes disconnected from drains or soil-pipes and
made to discharge over gully-traps 3
Proper water-supply provided to houses 13
Defective roofs repaired 47
Defective guttering and rain water pipes repaired or renewed 58
Defective paving to floors of wash-houses repaired or renewed 10
Dirty walls of work-rooms cleansed 15
Proper manure receptacles provided (London County Council
by-laws 3
Cases of overcrowding abated 5
Accumulation of refuse, etc., removed 26
Areas re-paved and drained 1
Insufficiently ventilated space under wooden floors, remedied
by insertion in outer v alls of proper air bricks 13
Underground dwellings improved 1
Nuisances from animals abated 2
Smoke nuisance abated 1
Dirty walls and ceilings of bakehouses cleansed 9
Obstructive building removed —
Public-house urinals reconstructed 1
Total 1,106
The above list refers only to work carried out on Intimation
and Statutory Notices. In addition, a large number of improvements
have been made on advice to owners and occupiers.
The four Licensed Slaughter-houses at present in use in the
Borough, are:—Nos. 118, Church Street; 165, High Street; 70,
Mountgrove Road; and 55, Nevill Road. The results of
inspections have been satisfactory, and the Licenses of each were
renewed by the London County Council in October.