London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Stoke Newington 1914

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Stoke Newington, The Metropolitan Borough]

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Brought forward 1,259
Proper manure receptacles provided (London County Council
by-laws) 1
Cases of overcrowding abated 11
Accumulation of refuse, etc., removed II
Areas re-paved and drained 2
Insufficiently ventilated space under wooden floors, remedied
by insertion in outer walls of proper air bricks 8
Underground dwellings improved 3
Nuisances from animals abated 3
Smoke nuisance abated 4
-Dirty walls and ceilings of bakehouses cleansed 7
Obstructive building removed 1
Public-house urinals reconstructed 2
Total 1,312
The above list refers only to work carried out on Intimation
and Statutory Notices, and does not include a large amount of
improvements which were suggested to the owners of properties
by your Inspectors while engaged in supervising the work entailed
in abating the nuisances specified in the notices.
The four Licensed Slaughter-houses at present in use in the
Borough, are:— Nos. 118, Church Street; 165, High Street; 70,
Mountgrove Road; and 55, Nevill Road. The results of
inspections have been satisfactory, and the Licenses of each were
renewed by the London County Council in October. There are
still several Slaughter-houses in the Borough connected with
butchers' shops, for which Licenses have not been applied for.
Inspections are made from time to time to ensure that no slaughtering
is carried on at these premises.
The one Common Lodging-house in the Borough, situate at
No. 81, Church Street, is under the control of the London County
Council, and is conducted in accordance with the by-laws. Unofficial
visits have been made from time to time by your Inspectors,