London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Stoke Newington 1910

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Stoke Newington, The Metropolitan Borough]

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Brought forward 1,281
Cases of over-crowding abated 14
Accumulations of refuse, &c., removed 21
Areas re-paved and drained 1
Insufficiently ventilated space under wooden floors, remedied by
insertion in outer walls of proper air bricks 10
Underground dwellings improved —
Nuisances from animals abated 6
Smoke nuisance abated 5
Total number of nuisances abated 1,338
The above list does not include a large number of improvements
which have been suggested to owners from time to time when carrying
out work in connection with the notices served.
There are only four Licensed Slaughter-houses at present in use
in the Borough, viz.:—118, Church Street; 165, High Street; 70,
Mountgrove Road; 55, Neville Road. The question of a renewal of
licence for 95, Church Street, which lapsed on the premises becoming
vacant, is still under consideration by the London County Council.
Each of the Slaughter-houses was inspected several times during
the year, the result of inspection being satisfactory in each case.
The one Common Lodging-house in the Borough, situate at
No. 81, Church Street, is under the control of the London County
Council, and is conducted in accordance with the bye-laws.
37 inspections were made of the twenty-four seven Bakehouses.
16 intimation notices were served for lime whiting and cleansing.