London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Stoke Newington 1905

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Stoke Newington, The Metropolitan Borough]

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Date of Application.Suspected Disease.Result of Examination.
July 5 thPhthisis.Phthisis,
,, 6thEnteric Fever.Not Enteric Fever.
„ 6 thDiphtheria.Diphtheria.
„ 7thDiphtheria.Not Diphtheria.
„ 13thDiphtheria.Not Diphtheria.
„ 13thDiphtheria.Diphtheria.
,, 17thPhthisisNot Phthisis.
„ 20thDiphtheria.Diphtheria.
„ 21stDiphtheria.Not Diphtheria.
„ 29thDiphtheria.Not Diphtheria.
„ 30thDiphtheria.Not Diphtheria.
August 5thDiphtheria.Not Diphtheria.
„ 8thDiphtheria.Not Diphtheria.
„ 13thPhthisis.Not Phthisis.
„ 27thPhthisis.Phthisis.
,, 27thPhthisis.Not Phthisis.
September 6thDiphtheria.Diphtheria.
„ 6thDiphtheria.Not Diphtheria.
„ 8thDiphtheria.Not Diphtheria.
„ 9thPhthisis.Not Phthisis.
„ 12thDiphtheria.Not Diphtheria.
„ 12thDiphtheria.Not Diphtheria.
„ 14thPhthisis.Not Phthisis.
„ 19thEnteric Fever.Not Enteric Fever.
October 1stPhthisis.Not Phthisis.
„ 3rdDiphtheria.Not Diphtheria.
,, 5thDiphtheria.Diphtheria.
„ 9thDiphtheria.Not Diphtheria.
„ 11thDiphtheria.Diphtheria.
„ 12thPhthisis.Not Phthisis.
„ 12thDiphtheria.Diphtheria.
„ 26thDiphtheria.Not Diphtheria,
,, 28thDiphtheria.Diphtheria,
„ 30thPhthisis.Phthisis.
November 2ndDiphtheria.Not Diphtheria.
„ 6thDiphtheria.Diphtheria.
„ 7thDiphtheria.Not Diphtheria.
„ 8thPhthisis.Phthisis.
„ 10thDiphtheria.Diphtheria.
„ 10thDiphtheria.Diphtheria.
„ 13thDiphtheria.Not Diphtheria.
,, 15thDiphtheria.Not Diphtheria.
„ 17thDiphtheria.Not Diphtheria.
„ 30thPhthisis.Not Phthisis.
December 10thDiphtheria.Not Diphtheria.
„ 11thPhthisis.Not Phthisis.
„ 18thPhthisis.Not Phthisis.

Upon enquiry as to the case of Small-pox notified in the Borough
during the year, it was found that a school teacher had been nursing
her husband for several days after the rash of Small-pox had appeared