London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Lambeth 1900

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Lambeth, The Vestry of the Parish of]

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Articles of Bedding, etc., destroyed.
Beds 22
Bolsters 1
Pillows 21
Mattresses 13
Palliasses 27
Chair Cushions 23
Clothing 1562*
Sundries 114
Total 1783
The refuge at the Wharf has been used once during the
past year—one adult and 2 children under 10 years of age,
being accommodated during the disinfection of their
diphtheria-infected house.
The new refuge at Wanless Road was ready for use on
January 1st, 1900, and has been used once during the
Refuges are compulsory by the Public Health (London)
Act, 1891, and Lambeth is now well supplied in the event
of a serious epidemic breaking out at any time. There
appears to be a prejudice against the use of such Refuges
in Lambeth, as well as elsewhere, though it is doubtful if
such prejudice would seriously affect the usefulness of such
Refuges at times of epidemic, e.g., smallpox, typhus, etc.
At such times the Refuges provided by the late Vestry will
be found to be useful, even though they are at present but
little used, and apparently a somewhat useless expense.
* Including 1236 articles of clothing from Freeman's Orphan Schools.