London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Lambeth 1900

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Lambeth, The Vestry of the Parish of]

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The number of Births registered in Lambeth during the
year 1900 was 9167, as compared with 9433 for the year
1899. Of the total 9167 births, 4699 were males, and 4468
females, showing an excess of 231 males.
The birth.rate for Lambeth is, therefore, 29 4 per 1,000
inhabitants (31.9 for males, and 27T for females), as compared
with 30.6 for London (33.3 for males and 28.2 for
females); whilst in the various Registration Sub.Districts
the birth.rates work out as shown in Table A. Tables B
and C shew the number of births, and the birth.rates for
the last 10 years in Lambeth, the birth.rate in Inner
Districts is 38.5, and that in the Outer Districts 257,
per 1000*
In the Inner Wards (where the birth.rates are high) the
high birth.rates help the high death.rates, owing to the
great numbers of deaths amongst infants and children between
1 and 5 years of age so that a persistently high birthrate,
instead of leading to a lower, causes a higher, death.
rate, pointing to the unsatisfactory and less healthy
conditions under which the inhabitants in the Inner Wards
of Lambeth exist, as compared with those in the Outer
Wards. It must be remembered, too, that the
Hospital and the Workhouse tend to abnormally increase
the birth.rates in Waterloo Second and Lambeth Church
Second Districts, the necessary corrections being given
in a footnote (see p. 11).
The Lambeth birth.rate is slowly, but surely, declining.
*The corrected birth.rate (i.e., after subtracting the non.Lambethian
births occurring in the Hospital and the Workhouse), is 28'2.
(Inner Districts =34.3, and Outer Districts=25.9).