London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Lambeth 1910

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Lambeth, Metropolitan Borough of]

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by the Council. No further action was taken by the owner
as to applying to the High Court for Mandamus, etc.
Explosion Connected with Drain Testing.
During 1910 (September), an explosion occurred at a house,
the drainage of which was under observation, having been
tested with the smoke machine by a private builder in the
absence of the Sanitary Inspector. The smoke machine had
been in previous use for many years.
The explosion took place at the rear of the premises, in
connection with a manhole, the cover of which was blown
off, and occurred an hour after the drain was tested in the
front, with smoke under pressure.
The Council denied liability, and a private action was
entered against the builder by the occupier of the house,
where the explosion took place, claiming damages, which
were allowed by the Court. The exact cause of the explosion
was not satisfactorily cleared up.
Nuisance from Carpet Beating.
During 1910 (April), complaints were received with reference
to a nuisance from carpet beating at Coldharbour
Place, Denmark Hill, in a small yard about 12 feet away
from the neighbouring houses. The complaint (from the
point of view of both annoyance and nuisance) was found
by the Inspector to be justified, and a representation to
that effect was made to the occupier of the premises, whereon
the business was carried out, with the result that the
business was stopped and the complaints, consequently,
Routine Work of Male Inspectors.
During 1910, 507 houses have been re-drained throughout
or in part; and 373 plans (representing 507 houses) have