London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hornsey 1960

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hornsey, Borough of]

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Sixty-nine persons were medically examined to determine their
fitness for acceptance on the permanent staff; all but five were found
to be fit.
One of the conditions of the scheme for sickness pay for
employees who come within the scope of the National and Provincial
Councils for Non-Trading Services (Manual Workers) is that all new
employees be required to submit to a medical examination before the
completion of six months' service with the Council in order to determine
their fitness for admission to the scheme. 87 persons were examined,
85 of whom were accepted for the scheme. 7 examinations were
carried out for other purposes.
Part XII of the Middlesex County Council Act, 1944, which
was brought into operation in Hornsey on 1st October 1952 provides
that premises in the Borough used for the reception or treatment of
persons requiring massage or special treatment must be licensed.
The Act gives the Council power to inspect licensed premises,
and these inspections are carried out by the deputy medical officer of
health. No reason for complaint has been found during inspections
carried out in the year and generally speaking the standard maintained
is good.
Licences were issued in respect of 20 premises. The following
summary shows the numbers licensed for each form of treatment.
Massage 6
Chiropody 20
Electrical treatment 6
Other similar treatment 5
Three exemption certificates were received from registered
members of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy. Such certificates
in an approved form signed by two registered medical practitioners
exempt members from the need to obtain a licence but their premises
are nevertheless subject to inspection.