London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hornsey 1952

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hornsey, Borough of]

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The supervisory clinics for follow-up are held on alternate Monday
mornings in the Out-patients Department of the Prince of Wales's
Hospital. The routine examinations are carried out by the paediatric
registrar and an assistant medical officer, assisted by a sister-in-charge
and a clerk from the Area Health Office. Both new and old patients
are seen at each session. In the case of new patients a full history is
taken and a complete clinical examination is carried out. The various
forms are then completed and other investigations, where necessary,
such as X-rays and electrocardiographs are performed. After these
preliminary procedures the patients are seen by Dr. Anderson on Tuesday
and Thursday mornings at the Prince of Wales's Hospital. At this
examination and from the results and reports previously obtained the
diagnosis and clinical assessment are made and recommendations
regarding future schooling are sent to the School Health Authorities.
After this initial assessment the patients are seen at regular intervals
at the supervisory clinic by the paediatrician or local authority medical
officer and should any significant change appear in the clinical condition
they are again referred to Dr. Anderson for further discussion regarding
treatment or special educational requirements.
During the year 37 patients suffering from acute rheumatism, chorea
or recurrences were treated in the wards. While the number of longstay
in-patients was increasing it became apparent that some educational
provision would become necessary and arrangements were made through
the Borough Education Officer for Tottenham to provide a hospital
The following table gives details of the patients referred to the
supervisory centre during the year:—