London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hornsey 1929

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hornsey, Borough of]

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There are open-air classrooms at Campsbourne Infants', St.
•James's and North Harringay Junior Schools.
The question of the erection of a day open-air school for
delicate .and cripple children has engaged your Committee's attention
for some years, and it was decided to postpone the proposed
scheme at Coldfall for two years.
Residential Open-Air Schools.—Four beds are reserved for
Hornsey children (2 boys and 2 girls) at the Russell-Cotes School
of Recovery, Parkstone, Dorset. During the year 32 children
(16 boys and 16 girls) spent six weeks at Parkstone. The same
number of beds (2 for boys and 2 for girls) are reserved at the
Ogilvie School of Recovery, CLacton, where the children spend
longer periods. During 1929, 3 boys and 1 girl went to Clacton.
Through the agency of the Central Care Committee
100 children (42 boys and 64 girls) were also sent to various holiday
and convalescent homes.
There is no organiser of physical training, but organised games
and sports are played at all the schools and at the school ploying
field at Redston Road.
Mr. L. W. Gilbert, Hon. Secretary of the Hornsey Schools'
Sports Association, reports that: —
" The usual competitions in tennis, netball, cricket, football,
athletics and swimming have been carried out. With the entry
of new schools, and of schools which have not always been able
to enter in the past, the Saturday morning programmes are now
so full that it is difficult to find time for all the necessary games
to be played. Roth the Redston Road ground and that at Rokesly
Avenue are used to their full capacity.
" The games are fought out in the best sporting spirit.
They are played in no ' trophy-hunting ' mood, but in an
atmosphere of sportsmanship and good fellowship. It is very
pleasing to note that the competitors often spontaneously express
their appreciation of their opponents' successes.
" The Association again desire to express its appreciation
of the generous help it continues to receive from the Borough
Council, the Education Committee and thei Council's officers."