London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hornsey 1928

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hornsey, Borough of]

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Management of Mortuary (6th December, 1886.)
Decent Conduct of Persons using Sanitary Conveniences
(21st May, 1894).
Houses Let in Lodgings or occupied by members of more
than one family (21st September, 1896).
For Good Rule and Government of the Borough, 1909, 1913
and 1922.
Nuisances in the Borough (10th June, 1907).
With respect to New Streets and Buildings in the Borough
(11th May, 1908, and 17th December, 1923).
Also, Regulations have been made as to—
Management of Sanitary Conveniences (21st May, 1894).
Dairies, Cowsheds and Milkshops (19th June, 1899).
Hornsey Swine Fever Regulations, 1904 (14th May, 1904).
Regulations under Swine Fever Order of 1894 as to Movement
of Swine (14th March, 1904, and 1st March, 1905).
Regulations under the Dogs Order, 1906.
Regulations as to Cleansing, &c., under Order as to Parasitic
Mange in Horses, &c.
Regulations under section 17 (7) of the Housing, Town
Planning, &c., Act, 1909 (20th July, 1914).
Offensive Trades (12th June, 1911).
Do. (1928).