London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Holborn 1901

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Holborn, Metropolitan Borough]

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Many of the dustbins have during the past few years been replaced by pails, but those that
remain are generally foul and dilapidated or defective.
The water supply to many of the houses is very unsatisfactory, as several houses in some of the
courts are only supplied by a tap in the court.
The drainage and sanitary conveniences of the area are defective and not in accordance with
modern requirements.
With but few exceptions, the drains are not ventilated and some are often blocked. Many of
the houses are supplied by old-fashioned trough closets, others have the w.c.'s in bad positions, so that
they are not properly lighted and ventilated. Many of the water waste preventers are often out of
order and the pans very foul. The seats of the w.c.'s are also often foul or dirty, and the floors also.
Although much cleansing of rooms, passages, basements and areas has been recently done during
the present house-to-house inspection, there is still very much cleansing that is required.
Notices were served for each of the premises to abate the nuisances, and remedy the sanitary
defects that existed. These have all been complied with except some of the structural defects that
would be remedied by an Improvement Scheme.
Aylesbury Place, Clerkenwell, and Union Buildings, Holborn Improvement Scheme, 1899.
After the Local Inquiry in the year 1900, a Provisional Order was made by one of Her
Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, and an Act confirming the Provisional Order was afterwards
In 1901, Nos. 15, 16 and 17, Yerulam Street, forming part of this area were closed and
The Reid's Brewery site which was purchased by the London County Council for the erection
of Working Class Lodging Houses, for 1,681 of the 3,700 persons of the working class that will be
displaced by the new Holborn-to-the-Strand Street. During 1901 the site was cleared and the
erection of the houses begun.
This site has been cleared for providing for 680 of the 3,700 persons of the working class
displaced by the new Holborn-to-the-Strand Street.
Bloomsbury and St. Giles.
5, 6 and 7, Francis Street and 37 and 39, Huntley Street. Demolished and being rebuilt as
a Public House and Flats.
12, 13, Francis Street. Rebuilt as a Nurses' Hostel, S. Block.
18, Francis Street. Demolished.
20, Keppel Street. Closed.
22, Keppel Street. Closed.
23, Keppel Street. Closed.
35 to 40, Keppel Street, including the Chapel. Demolished.
North Keppel Mews, Nos. 1 and 2. Demolished.