London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Islington 1881

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Islington, Parish of St Mary]

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2.—That they have re-considered the question of the amount
of remuneration, to which they consider Mr. Collingwood fairly
entitled, and are still of opinion, that the sum of £50 would be
only a proper payment to him for extra services. In deference,
however, to the feeling of the Vestry, they withdraw this item from
the statement of their expenditure, and
Recommend the Vestry to authorise the payment to the
Sanitary Superintendent, Mr. Collingwood, of the sum of £50 for
his extra services in connection with the Camp Hospital and Small
Pox epidemic.
All which is submitted.
(Signed) JOHN LAMB,
Chairman, Sanitary Committee.
Vestry Offices,
Upper Street, N.,
2nd January, 1882.