London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Islington 1925

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Islington, Metropolitan Borough of]

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Public Health Department,
Municipal Offices,
Tyndale Place, N.l.
To the Mayor, Aldermen and Councillors of the
Metropolitan Borough of Islington.
I have the honour to submit the Annual Report on the Health and Sanitary
Conditions of the Borough for the year 1925. This is a "Survey Report," having
tables and statistics covering the prece ding five years as well as the annual tables
as prescribed by the Ministry of Health.
The draft Report was submitted to the Public Health Committee in
June, 1926. The death rate for 1925 was 12.20. (The lowest recorded death
rate, in the Borough records, which date from 1841, was 11.6 in 1923.)
The Maternity and Child Welfare Scheme, both organisations, Municipal
and Voluntary, have worked in unison. The Infantile Mortality rate—63 per
1,000 births—constitutes a record for Islington.
During the year, the Public Health (Meat) Regulations came into force,
on the 1st April; a Municipal Tuberculosis Visiting Nurse was specially appointed
for home visitation work, to co-operate between the Public Health Department
and the two Islington Tuberculosis Dispensaries.
I am,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Your obedient Servant,
G.Glame Trottes
Medical Officer of Health.