London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Islington 1925

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Islington, Metropolitan Borough of]

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Clerical Staff.-—G. H. King (First Clerk), H. Angol, A. E. Abbott, W. J.
Wolfe, W. G. Bunch, A. R. Wittrick, *C. M. Wheble, A. E. Booker,
W. R. Causton, *C. J. Gridland, 1.. VV. Edis. Milk Grants.—*F. C.
Green, *A. E. Vanstone, *I)aisy Francis.
* Health Visitors.—Miss \-. A. Lainton, R. Palmer, L. Flower, E. Foot,
fM1S)A. Mc»rr\ E. Neale, E. O. Oliver.
Tuberculosis Visiting Nurse.—Miss E. McGoldrick.
Those marked with an asterisk indicates contribution was expected either
under the Public Health Acts or by Exchequer Grants.
The Medical Officer of Health expresses his thanks to the Town Clerk,
C. G. E. Fletcher, Esq., C.B.E. ; the Solicitor; the Borough Engineer: the
Public Analyst, A. E. Pinchin, Esq., B.Sc., and to the Heads of other departments,
for their courtesy and assistance in various matters. He records with
regret the loss of two very esteemed colleagues, Arthur M. Bramall, Esq.,
Solicitor ; and J. P. Barber, Esq., Borough Engineer ; both dying while in office,
Mr. Barber on 22nd April, and Mr. Bramall on 31st August, 1925. He takes this
opportunity of expressing his indebtedness to the staff for the efficient work and
thorough co-operation which has meant so much in attaining the results reported on.