London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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City of Westminster 1962

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Westminster, City of]

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The objections made in respect of applications for Justices On-licences
were, with one exception, in respect of premises where objections were
initially raised to the grant of a Club Registration Certificate. The
exception was in regard to a club premises, where a Justices On-licence
was provisionally granted.
The above-mentioned Act, with effect from the 1st November, 1961,
also applied the procedure for obtaining Justices On-licences in respect
of restaurants, private hotels and guest houses, etc., where intoxicating
liquor is to be sold, and provided that one of the grounds for the refusal
of a Justices Licence should be that the premises are not suitable and
convenient for the proposed use having regard to their character and
Details of notifications received up to the end of the year, are as
Club Registration Certificates: 346
Number of objections lodged with the Court 28
Result of applications to which the Council lodged
Dismissed or Refused 13
Withdrawn 10
Adjourned (to 1963) 5
Costs awarded to the City Council in respect of cases heard amounted
to £152 5s.
Notices of Appeal were received in respect of two applications (to
which objection had been lodged) on the Magistrate's refusal to grant
Justices licences 223
Number of objections lodged 11
Result of applications to which the Council lodged
Granted 1
Withdrawn 1
Adjourned (to 1963) 1
Not heard (in 1962) 2
*Provisionally granted 6
*Subject to completion of works to the satisfaction of the Council.